Asset Valuation & Advisory Services
Ubosi Eleh + Co. offers the following services, which are well structured and targeted to be immensely beneficial to our present and potential clientele
Regardless of your sales or investment choices, you need the professional judgement you can trust, behind your eventual decisions and our advisory services are there to help you.
The Firm undertakes valuations covering the following assets amongst others:
- Land & Buildings
- Plants& Machinery
- Motor Vehicles
- Household and Office Furniture, Fittings and Equipment.
- Intangible Assets i.e. Goodwill.
We undertake valuations practically all purpose including:
External Financing – Mortgages
When a loan is contemplated or is in the process of being granted, the lending institution will usually ask for collateral for the loan being sought. This is where we come in to determine the value of the borrower’s collateral to enable the borrower to take advantage of the full value of his or her asset.
Prior to the consummation of an insurance contract, a figure has to be put forward as a sum insured and this will form the basis of calculation of the premium to be paid and the limit of claims. In the event of total or partial destruction, the following situation will arise:
Total Destruction.
If the sum insured is higher than the replacement cost or indemnity value, the extent of claim will be limited to the actual sum needed to replace the property or indemnity value. If the sum is lower, the claim will only be limited to this lower figure.
Partial Destruction.
The claim will be limited to the part destroyed but if the sum insured is lower than the full value, the mitigating average clause will apply which means that the claim will be reduced in the proportion of the sum insured to the average reinstatement or indemnity value.
From the foregoing, it is, therefore, a matter of absolute necessity to ensure that the figure represents the limit of the liability. If the figure is overassessed, it will only amount to paying a premium for an unbeneficial part of the sum insured and if under-assessed it is worse, as it will result in a compensation claim less than what will be required to bring the insured back to the position he was before the accident.
Balance Sheet / Annual Accounts.
More often than not, most organisations do not know the exact worth of their assets. All they rely on is “historic” cost of acquisition of the assets, depreciated along the line over the years. This is, in spite of the fact that in the mind of the Board of Directors and Management, they are fully aware that the value is substantially higher or lower than what it is on their books.
The big question then arises:How Much Value Should We Write into The Balance Sheet as An Asset?
Once the professional valuation of the asset is done, it will put the Board in the right perspective and allow them to take note of the assets that have appreciated and also determine those assets that are depreciating and consequently take steps to underpin such values so that those that are wasting or not utilising their site may be disposed or profitably dealt with.
Mergers, Acquisitions and Preparation of Companies Prospectus.
It may become necessary for two or more companies to merge to expand their production base or integrate vertically to achieve higher returns.
To ascertain the contribution of each company, a professional valuation of the assets of the Companies involved will be necessary.
In addition to this, when a Company is offering shares for sale or raising debenture stocks, the valuation of the assets may be necessary to assist in appropriate pricing of the stocks and shares.
Valuations for Compensation Purposes
In undertaking valuations for compensation purposes, we determine the value of all land and buildings on the acquired site and also enumerate the cash crops and trees of economic value.
This exercise will be undertaken, bearing in mind the provisions of the relevant sections of the Land Use Act and other applicable laws, so that compensation paid especially to the affected parties, will be fair and appropriate.
Property Rating
Property rate, is an annual levy against real estate developments and it is usually paid to the Local Government Authorities. As a firm of estate surveyors and valuers, we can assist our clients with the rating valuation of their properties to guard against excessive rates by the Local Government.
The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are principles-based standards, interpretations adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) for the reporting and presentation of organisations that are publicly quoted and have to report to regulatory authorities.
According to the IFRS, a financial statement should reflect a true and fair view of the business affairs of the organisation, as these statements are used by investors, regulators, etc., to understand and appraise the financial health of the organisation within a specific time frame.
Our reports comply with IFRC and RICS and NIESV standard.
Investment Advice
We are proud to have influenced hundreds of excellent investment decisions based on our professional judgement, over the last two decades. A keen understanding of industry dynamics and a meticulous understanding of our client’s requirements are key to our judgement calls in property investment and management decisions.
At your convenience, our team is ready to offer you or your organisation top-notch advisory on matters relating to property investment and management, regardless of the type of property, location and other variables.
Feasibility & Viability Studies
Our interventions are available at any stage of your projects and it is not unusual for schemes to be outrightly terminated or modified. Either way, the eventual decision is tailored to mitigate against potential losses and ensure maximum gains for our clients (The investor).
This is usually part of the Estate Surveyor and Valuer’s function as a project manager but requires further explanation here. It is prudent that before embarking on a property development project, an Estate Surveyor and Valuer should be commissioned to carry out a pre-investment study.
Such a study will determine what is appropriate for a particular site as distinct from determining whether the proposed line of investment is viable. With the Firm’s knowledge of the property market, we are in a position to advise as to what development the market would accept for a particular site.
Having determined what is appropriate for a site, we then prepare a proper feasibility and viability study after obtaining the inputs of other professionals, to determine the viability of the scheme as designed. It is not unusual for such a scheme not to be undertaken or modified, thereby saving you (the investor) potential losses.
Building Surveying
Our firm provides specialised advice on the maintenance condition and repair of properties for industrial, commercial and residential users.
We also provide supervision and advice on new construction work and on the conversion, improvement, maintenance and repair of existing buildings. This includes dealing with dilapidation, party-wall problems and arbitration in all disputes covering building matters.
Contact us
Want to get your property listed on our site? Speak with one of our specialists who can help you.
Our typical work plan
Familiarise ourselves with the industry/asset
As soon as we receive formal instructions for our appointment, we proceed to familiarise ourselves with the organisation to be valued. In cases where it is a specialised industry, further research and reading are done on the industry, its characteristics and the nature of its assets.
Request and preview of information of assets to be valued
Prior to moving to site to commence the valuations, we request, from our principal, all information concerning assets to be valued. This would include building and survey plans, (where available) and details of inventory of items of plant and machinery, including furniture fittings and equipment, where these are included in the assets to be valued.
Preliminary Inspection
From this stage, we move to the site to undertake a preliminary inspection of the assets to be valued. This preliminary inspection enables us to determine the extent of work to be done and also the nature and characteristic of assets involved.
Detached site inspection
At this stage, we conduct a detached site inspection of the property/asset to be valued.
Report writing, market survey and analysis
This stage involves the writing of the report, the market survey, analysis of information and determination of values.
Quality control checks
At this stage, the report and values derived are checked and cross-checked by our quality control team.
Production and submission of report
Feedback and assessment of service rendered
Our Work Experience
Since the firm commenced operations, we have undertaken valuations for practically all purposes for the Federal and State Governments, financial institutions, government parastatals and private organisations, as well as industrial concerns.
Total Quality Management
The Firm employs the use of Total Quality Management concept (TQM) in its daily activities to ensure that service delivery is with uncompromising professionalism.
Professional Alliances
Collaborations are a critical success factor in thereal estate consultancy sector.Ubosi Eleh + Co constantly works with first-rate professionals in the fields of Architecture, Quantity Surveying, Mechanical, Electrical and Civil Engineering, and have ready-access to the expertise of contemporary technological tools such as computers and relevant applications which we employ in the analysis and compilation of information and production of reports.
Professional Affiliations
The following represent cognate details of our professional affiliations.
Messrs. Design Genre
Tel: 08066524569
Mechanical & Electrical Engineers
Dayson Nigeria Limited
#46, Faramobi Ajike Street, Anthony Village, Lagos. Tel: 08022907155
Structural / Civil Engineers / Quantity Surveyors
AIM Consultants
Plot 267A Etim Iyang Crescent, Victoria Island, Lagos. Tel: 08034438482
Professional Memberships
Ubosi Eleh + Company is registered with the Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers (NIES). We are also registered with the Estate Surveyors and Valuers Registration Board of Nigeria (ESVRBN).
A partner, Mr. Emeka Eleh, is a past President of the NIESV whilst Mr. Chudi Ubosi is also a past President of the Africa Chapter of the International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI).
Both partners are members of the International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI) and have their names listed in the 2019 directory of the Federation.
The partners are regularly called upon to deliver papers, particularly on property related matters at seminars, luncheons and symposia across Nigeria and the rest of the world.
Our Fees
If commissioned for any real estate brief, our fees will be in accordance with the scale of professional charges of the Nigerian Institution of Estate Surveyors and Valuers as approved.